Day In The Life: A College Baseball Player
April 1, 2020
Where were you?
April 11, 2020By: Brendan Dougherty
At all levels this baseball season will forever be remembered. We will at some point get back to playing again and what is the landscape of college baseball going to look like. The NCAA just ruled that seniors will get there year back but how will that affect incoming players and Major League Baseball is looking like they are going to only have 5 rounds of the draft. Players will be able to sign after that, but do they want to take a chance on signing for less money or going back to school for another year? We know that the right decision was made so that seniors would have the chance to play their final season. The NCAA and college baseball have some decisions to make. They are going to have decide what the roster size will be so that college coaches can make decisions on current players but also players who are going to arrive on campus as freshman in just few months. The transfer portal has been busy over the last few weeks which will also add to the confusion for many people, so it is difficult to tell how things are truly going to play out over the next few months. I had the opportunity to interview CJ Pittaro who is committed to Vanderbilt and will be leaving for school in August.
CJ Pittaro (Vanderbilt Commit)
Has the coaching staff at Vanderbilt been in contact with you over the last few weeks?
Yes, I spoke to Coach Corbin and he said to keep working out to the best of your ability nothing has changed except the possibility of playing in the summer league may not happen.
What are your thoughts on the seniors getting there year back and how it may affect you?
I think they deserved it and as far as it affects me, I chose Vanderbilt because it is one of the best schools in the country to go to not only for baseball but also academically. I want to compete against the best players in the country everyday and I had that mindset from the day I committed there, and I know I am not guaranteed anything.
Are you excited about the chance to possibly play with some guys next year that have come back to school that may have been drafted and decided not to go?
Yes absolutely, that’s what excites me the most. The chance to compete against and with those guys is why I made the decision. It will all work out and things will get straight but until then I am really looking forward to the opportunity.
Over the next few months there are going to be many changes to the landscape of not only college baseball but the entire country. The best advice I can give is to continue to work, do the things necessary to compete at the highest level and let things play out. At this point without any final decisions being made it is difficult to worry about something that you can’t control as a player. Communicate as best you can with the coaching staff and continue to compete!!